Take it slow Joe!


Dads are great.

My Dad is awesome. I’m just going to put that out there.

This week we had a long chat about my life, my schedule, my goals and my frustrations. Because it’s ok, by the way, to be frustrated sometimes. Frustration can drive us. It can be the thing we need to motivate us to move forward.

I had a few of reality checks this week:

  1. as it turns out, I can’t actually do everything all the time  (who knew?)
  2. my life style does not allow for tons of free time so I have to use what I have really wisely.
  3. Berating myself for what I don’t achieve because of my unrealistic expectations is NOT helpful. Celebrating the wins when I manage my expectations correctly IS helpful. (NOTE: Challenging yourself is important, but setting targets that are impossible to manage is more likely than not going to demotivate you from continuing on your journey – regardless of what journey that is).


There are 3 things that you need in order to make a change in your life:


I have intention coming out of my ears. I am determined to make a change and for it to be a life long lasting one. I recognise that I may never be one of those people who never thinks about food or weight – as it stands, I can’t even imagine thinking that way – BUT I will not be owned by it. As my dad says, ‘don’t let life happen to you’ (Man, he’s a wise guy).

So my struggle has been the process. I don’t think you can be disciplined about something that you don’t know HOW to do. So we came up with a couple of things to get my process going until I can manage my time a bit better.

I learnt this week that environment has ALOT to do with the success of changes like the ones that I’m making. I have an incredibly supportive work environment and family, but I’m not able to dedicate a huge amount of time to cooking and preparing food just yet so I have to put in place some habits to help me along the way.


I’ve never been very good at it, but for the foreseeable future I will be eating fruit salad and overnight oats for breakfast. I am beyond whether I like it, or feel like it, or want it. I’m going to do it because it’s good for me and it’s a win that I know that I can achieve. So why wouldn’t I want to? This is where the discipline comes in. I’ve never been good at eating in the mornings and I’m NOT an early morning person so it’s going to be interesting.

I know it seems like a really small thing, but if I can eat a good breakfast every day for 3 weeks, well that will be a real win for me.

What are your wins? What can you do or change today that will start you on a path to making a difference in your life? Remember, you have to WANT it.

And remember, it’s OK to take things one at a time.

Have a good weekend!!


S x

Week One (ish)

What a week!

If there is one thing that I’ve learnt it’s the that cooking takes time and when you don’t have time, you don’t really cook.

I bought a book on Amazon. This is only relevant because with the book came this really cool voucher from HelloFresh (hellofresh.co.uk) for £20 off my first two food boxes. Curious, I went to investigate. Currently I’m working two part time jobs which means that my time is already split into multiple priorities, so at this point I’m looking for anything that can help me with food and eating well. The boxes essentially come with all the ingredients that you need, already measured and all you need to do is add the necessary oil (or in my case Frylight) and you’re good to go. They have been really delicious so far and since I’m only cooking for me, the food lasts twice as long. There are one or two tweaks that are necessary to make the meals Slimming world friendly – like swapping out the creme fresh for fat free yoghurt – but otherwise they are pretty fantastic.


Cooking wise,  this week included SW Breakfast Muffins (which have been a huge time saver in the mornings. I made about 7 and then just grab one and eat it on the way to work!), a buckwheat bake (I synned the cheese that they use in the HF recipe), SW veggie chilli, home made SF chicken strips (healthy B’d the bread crumbs) and then an incredible chicken and olive tajine (is that how you spell that?) which I did not make myself, but thoroughly enjoyed (minimal syns!)

I didn’t get to the gym more than once this week. I’m still working on my time management and currently live far enough out of town that travel is a real time stealer. But one thing at a time!

I weigh-in on Saturday. The idea of doing this publicly used to really scare me – If I’m honest it still does sometimes. it’s that main reason that I didn’t get involved in group weight loss programs in my late teens when I should have. The idea of sharing something that I was so ashamed of so openly was too scary for words. I have been released from that fear now. I’m no longer ashamed because I know that I’m doing something about it, but I also know that my worth is intrinsic and isn’t determined by the mirror or the scale.

It’s our Women’s Conference at church this weekend (breathe2016.eventbrite.com) so I won’t be able to stay for the meeting BUT if you are new to Slimming World or considering doing it, YOU NEED TO STAY FOR GROUP! It’s going to be the best weight loss tool you have.

I have been really encouraged this week to know that even in the midst of business I can manage to maintain control. It’s not always easy and it’s not always perfect, but it’s a journey that I feel I’m getting more and more equipped for.

Ultimately I know that anything is possible when I have Jesus working with me and this is one of those seasons in my life where I hand it over to Him everyday. My will power will only get me so far. The rest, I trust to Him.

I hope you are all having a good week!

S x

Another New Adventure



I’m nervous about this. But I have decided that it’s time I take my commitment to my new life style to a new level so I’m going to commit to blogging about it weekly.

I have blogged on occasion about weight/weight loss and weight gain and I’m so glad that I have come to the point in my journey where speaking and writing about it is not a point of pain or discomfort. I still cringe at times when I have to make obviously different choices to the people that I am with and if I am completely honest I am not very good at choosing wisely when I’m with other people. I think it probably comes from the insecurity of being different, but I’m working on it. It’s not always a fun thing to explain to people but what I have learnt recently is that if they care about you, then your friends will support you in whatever way they can. This is true for all aspects of life not just weight loss.

I have been doing slimming world for about 4 months now. I have to say that I know for sure that it works. And honestly it’s the best thing that I could have done. But, again in brutal honesty, I have been my own worst enemy in it. I made a lot of effort with it at first and once I found my group that I felt comfortable in (East Barnwell for the win!) I knew that I had turned a corner like never before.

2016 has been a challenge in this area for me. I have not felt like I have done very well and the scale has been evidence of that. The traction that I was making at the beginning has slowed to a stand still and at this point in my past I would give up. I would make an excuse about being too busy and too stressed and just slowly move away from it again. BUT this time I am sticking with it. As Rainy our incredible consultant says, we win when we choose to go.

I’m in this for the long haul and it’s scary to think about it in terms of a year so instead I’m going to start with a month and a half. I’m going to post about my menus, my experiences and my successes (and failures) between now and the end of April.

One day I want to be able to stand before people who think like I do now and say “I get it, I’ve been there and now I’m here and it’s amazing. And you can do that too.” There are a ton of people at my group on a Saturday morning who are doing that for me and I am INSPIRED.


Let the adventure begin. For real this time.


S x

Short term Cambridge Blog

I everyone


I decided to create a blog for the next 6 months focusing on my time in Cambridge (that’s right… i live in Cambridge now).

If you are interested in following it, the address is chroniclesofcambridge.wordpress.com. it’s going to be exciting so keep your eyes open for posts.

I am going to put this blog on hiatus while doing so as two blogs is a bit too much to manage since they are both personal blogs so i will see you on the flipside!


Sarah xxx

The last post of the year

Dearest Readers

This is it. the last post of 2014. it’s also the first post from the good old United Kingdom. that’s right, it’s official. I live here now. Currently enjoying the small town life, sitting in the local Nero people watching and pondering what 2015 will hold. It’s normally at this point that i would begin to reflect…

But we arent doing that this year. whats the point of looking backwards when there is so much to look forward to (see what i did there?). I am sitting here, in the toasty warm corner at a table which i have now determined will be mine. firstly because it has the best view of the rest of the cafe so that i can look and see what everyone s going without being considered stalkery. and secondly because it’s the only table near a plug and my computer is having serious battery problems at the moment.

the weather is frosty but we have yet to see snow. No white Christmas for Sarah. Hoping that we will ring in the new year in white but it’s not looking promising.

I will say this though… 2015 will be a year of the blog. I feel like i may have said this before but its totally different this time. If i dont record the comings and goings of this new adventure it will fly by and all will be a blur. I will do my best to keep you as updated as possible. there is also the possibility of my bestest of friends joining me on the blogisphere so watch this space for more info on The Loft. it’s going to be killer.

Hoping you all had a splendid Christmas wherever in the world you are and praying for a blessed new year!!!

Ciao for now

Yours in bad spelling (as always)

S xxx

The Final Week


It’s so crazy. This time next week will be my last full day in South Africa for the foreseeable future. I’m going to be able to call myself an ex-pat. Weird.

Here are some things you should think about if you are going to be immagrating:

1. police clearance – necessary for working with people in Europe… a schlep to get but really necessary

2. international driving permit – trust me. you dont want the drama once you are over there. It’s super easy at most AA outlets and they even take your pics there (there is one in Musgrave for those of you in KZN)

3. Closing bank accounts – It’s a good idea to have an alternative place to keep your money, or otherwise, travellers cheques

4. selling stuff… DONT LEAVE YOUR CAR TO THE LAST MINUTE (she said after learning the hard way. have had to sell it to a trader for a much lower price than was hoping).

5. packing… Yeah, I havent even thought about it yet. there is too much stuff in my room for my suitcase. gulp.

I LOVE MAKING LISTS… there is something really satisfying about making it smaller and getting stuff done. Feeling super on the ball at the mo.

Its been a crazy cuple of weeks. having finished exams, I am able to spend time with people and I am realising how many paople i have come to know here. I dont really know how i am going to say goodbye to them. It’s so bittersweet at the moment.

I promise to be more dilegent once i reach the UK. In the mean time though, merry christmas and stuff… Im going to a very cold place from a very hot place… SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!

Ok, that’s it for now

yours in bad spelling


How does one feel less than a month before immigrating?

One feels pretty damn excited. That’s how one feels.

So in 28 days (that’s right, 4 weeks exactly) I will be heading to the airport in an hour. I will be thinking about the fact that my clothing will need to morph from summer lovin’ vibes into winter Christmassy vibes (thank the pope for beanies and gloves and scarves) and that I need to make sure I don’t stuff up my mascara.. Which will definitely happen because my best friend is taking me to the airport… Ahhhhhh!!!!

I have two exams left and then I can get ready. Currently it feels like if I think about anything other than my papers I am not being a good student. This has been hard because there has been a month in between my exams but now that time is over and I am only two away from freedom.

Right now I am sitting at a beautiful hipster coffee shop waiting for said best friend to come and have lunch with me. We are super sophisticated like that

The weird thing is that we won’t be able to just do this whenever soon. We try not to think about it. We try to pretend it’s not happening. But it is. And now it’s happening soon.

I am so excited about my new adventure, but I am so sad to be leaving these loved ones behind.

But the carrousel never stops turning does it?

S xxx

One Month and 13 days…

…Til I leave for England!

That’s right!!! We are in the final count down.

As my mother would say, “I know it looks like its 6 weeks til you go but really it’s more like 2 because we dont count the week we are in, we dont count the last week before you leave and there are two weeks where you are writing exams, so they dont count either.” – we’re that kind of family. Logic? pfft.

Two things are happening at the moment.

One the one hand I am wrapping up my life. It’s time to say goodbye to people, to finish up my studies for the year, to finish off youth and church stuff and to start decluttering (my life cannot weigh more than 30kg… but no pressure).

On the other hand, I asked God to change me. I dont want to go into this new era with baggage (beyond said 30kg). I dont want to be dealing with the residual after effects of this part of my life. i want a smooth transition.

The thing is, when you ask, you receive. And i didnt realise what i was getting myself into. I’m being refined by fire at the moment. and it hurts. It’s alot. I have to think and deal with things that i have buried for years. That i wish i could just leave underground, pretending they dont exist. But that’s not how growth happens. we all have things like this. Life is never perfect. My brother said something the other day – the grass is not greener on the other side. the grass is greener on the side that you water. What parts of your life are you letting grow? what parts are you neglecting? I’m tired of not prioritising Jesus and his plans for me above the business of my life. So i’m changing.

So even though there are only 6 weeks left (or two, if you are my mom) I know that God’s going to change me and ready me for the new adventure. It’s going to be amazing.

Take some time this week to think about what is important in your life. shoudl your priorities be your priorities? if not, what should be?

On a slightly lighter note… look at my new hat. 6 weeks of Summer left!!!!



Sarah xxx

Moved out…

It’s very exciting. I feel very independent. From my parents anyway. I am blessed to not have to be concerned with cooking dinner, doing my washing or cleaning the house beyond my room… yes, it’s a very difficult life that I am living. 



That’s right… by the end of the evening my office will be set up, my UNISA stuff unpacked and my life will once again be relatively routine. WHOOP!

I am feeling INCREDIBLY overwhelmed at the moment. This weekend I had this ridiculous realization about how much has changed in the last month and i have had no time to process… naturally that means i am a ticking timebomb of emotions just waiting to explode and I am not 100% in what direction i will go… so watch out. 


in other news…. well no actually. i think i am done. 

That’s all for now. 


So… Break ups…

this is not the post I planned. I had intended to write something about how I really am ready and waiting to be in THAT relationship, that i want to experience everything I go through with someone and how i felt it was time that that God did something about that… put the HIM in my line of sight… and then my friend messaged me this morning to say that she broke up with her guy and she is really upset and so now I’m like… do i need that drama in my life…. not her drama. I am really happy to be a supportive friend, and I am really happy to console her and be there for her and i am really sad it didnt work out. But THAT is the drama I am referring to. 

REALITY CHECK: Sarah is NOT in a place where Drama is needed. I am working three jobs, studying full time, moving for the 5th time in a year and a half, learning to cope with my parents being on the other side of the world and trying to create a bodacious bod to hide under the gorgeous english winter clothes I will be fitting in to in 5 months. WHERE is there space for man drama in there? NO WHERE… what was i thinking. 

I am realising the benefits of being a girl in the friend zone… all of the fun of hanging out with boys and none of the effort because whenever the male demand for female organisation, effection, attention and cooking gets too much I can just be like… no do it yourself… and they have to accept that.



Thats all for now… 

Hugs and kisses


S xxx