The Final Week


It’s so crazy. This time next week will be my last full day in South Africa for the foreseeable future. I’m going to be able to call myself an ex-pat. Weird.

Here are some things you should think about if you are going to be immagrating:

1. police clearance – necessary for working with people in Europe… a schlep to get but really necessary

2. international driving permit – trust me. you dont want the drama once you are over there. It’s super easy at most AA outlets and they even take your pics there (there is one in Musgrave for those of you in KZN)

3. Closing bank accounts – It’s a good idea to have an alternative place to keep your money, or otherwise, travellers cheques

4. selling stuff… DONT LEAVE YOUR CAR TO THE LAST MINUTE (she said after learning the hard way. have had to sell it to a trader for a much lower price than was hoping).

5. packing… Yeah, I havent even thought about it yet. there is too much stuff in my room for my suitcase. gulp.

I LOVE MAKING LISTS… there is something really satisfying about making it smaller and getting stuff done. Feeling super on the ball at the mo.

Its been a crazy cuple of weeks. having finished exams, I am able to spend time with people and I am realising how many paople i have come to know here. I dont really know how i am going to say goodbye to them. It’s so bittersweet at the moment.

I promise to be more dilegent once i reach the UK. In the mean time though, merry christmas and stuff… Im going to a very cold place from a very hot place… SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!

Ok, that’s it for now

yours in bad spelling


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